Ultimate Weapons
Ultimate Weapons grant The Tower special abilities and attacks that will drastically improve the performance and speed up your progression. They can be purchased in the Workshop upgrade menu tab for Power Stones.
Each Ultimate Weapon has 3 upgradable stats once unlocked that costs stones as well. As you progress, you will also gain access to Ultimate Weapon Plus abilities.
Obtaining Ultimate Weapons[edit | edit source]
Ultimate Weapons can be purchased when you have enough Power Stones. The price is determined by the number of Ultimate Weapons you currently own. Each time an Ultimate Weapon is bought, there will be 3 options chosen at random. All options have an equal chance of showing up.
It is possible to close the menu without buying by clicking outside the Ultimate Weapon menu or closing the app. The choices given do not change until one is purchased.
Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Cost (Stones) | 5 | 50 | 150 | 300 | 800 | 1250 | 1750 | 2400 | 3000 |
Ultimate Weapons Priority[edit | edit source]
Which Ultimate Weapon to get? Each of us had this question before and to avoid any confusion and further questions, here is the priority list for the Ultimate Weapons that will work for F2P Players:
Golden Tower - Increases the Coin Farming speed drastically, pretty much a must for smooth long-term progression. Requires Activation time sync with the Black Hole once both UWs are obtained.
Black Hole - Combined with the Golden Tower makes compounding Coin income skyrocket. Requires Activation time sync with the GT.
Spotlight - Not only increases the damage to the enemies, but can get Coin Bonus as well, that will multiply with the rest.
Death Wave - Adds multiple modifiers to the enemies, including the Coin gained and helps with Health Boosts. Also it's a core UW for the Devo builds.
Chain Lightning - No cooldown is great and it also has Shock which increases damage taken by the enemies.
Smart Missiles - Increase
Spotlight Missiles damage. Overall The have an event mission that requires them.
Inner Land Mines - They can stun and have event mission that requires them.
Poison Swamp - Mostly used for the Stun for croud control. Rend will help to increase the damage as well.
Chrono Field - Even though it's extremely useful when it has 100% uptime it will take insane amount of stones to get there. And getting it to 100% uptime isn't the top priority as well, so it will be pretty useless for a while, until other UW upgrades will be done.
Using Ultimate Weapons[edit | edit source]
All Ultimate Weapons owned can be used in a round at the same time including Ultimate Weapons given by perks. They will automatically activate when the cooldown timer hits zero. The timer resets immediately even if the Ultimate Weapon is active.
Ultimate Weapons can be toggled on and off during a round. Toggling off will reset the cooldown timer when turned on. Ultimate Weapons can only be toggled on/off 40 times in a run.
Damage Calculations[edit | edit source]
Damage dealing Ultimate Weapons will factor critical damage and super critical damage into their total damage displayed in the Ultimate Weapon workshop screen during a round. The damage formula is as follows:
Ultimate Weapon Damage = UW % * (1 + core module %) * Damage * (1 + Critical Factor * Critical Chance) * (1 + Super Crit Mult * Super Crit Chance * Critical Chance)
When you equip the "Ultimate Crit" Card, damage dealing Ultimate Weapons will have a chance to deal a critical hit using the crit factor stat from your workshop when an enemy is hit (does not apply to % based damage). The formula is as follows:
Critical Ultimate Weapon Damage = Ultimate Weapon Damage * Critical Factor
List of Ultimate Weapons[edit | edit source]
Name | Description | 1st Effect | 1st Max | 2nd Effect | 2nd Max | 3rd Effect | 3rd Max |
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[x]% chance on enemy hit to spawn [y] chain lightnings, dealing [z]% of tower damage (Accounts for crit factor and crit chance in shown damage) | Damage | x7,961 | Quantity | 5 | Chance | 27.50% |
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Launch [x] missiles that track enemies and explode on impact. Deals [y]% of tower damage (Accounts for crit factor and crit chance in shown damage) | Damage | x3,021 | Quantity | 20 | Cooldown | 20s |
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Spawn [x] effect waves before unleashing a death wave that will persist until it deals x[y] of tower damage (Accounts for crit/super crit factor and chance) | Damage | x9119 | Quantity | 5 | Cooldown | 1m 40s |
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Creates a field for [x]s that reduces the speed of any enemy inside by [y]% | Duration | 40s | Speed Reduction | 75% | Cooldown | 1m 0s |
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Spawn [x] land mines that explode on contact dealing [y]% of tower damage as AOE (Accounts for crit factor and crit chance in shown damage) | Damage | x360 | Quantity | 6 | Cooldown | 50s |
![]() |
Turns the tower golden for [x] seconds. While active you receive [y] cash and coins from enemy kills. | Bonus | x21.0 | Duration | 53s | Cooldown | 1m 40s |
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[x]% chance on enemy death to spawn a poison swamp that deals [y]% of tower damage per second, stays active for [z] seconds. | Damage | x148 | Duration | 15s | Chance | 55% |
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Creates a black hole for [x] sec that sucks enemies in, with a range of [y] meters. | Size | 70.00m | Duration | 38s | Cooldown | 50s |
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Create [x] spotlights that spins around tower, enemies in the spotlight receive [y] more damage | Bonus | x43.0 | Angle | 75 | Quanity | 4 |
Ultimate Weapon Plus[edit | edit source]
Ultimate Weapon Plus abilities are additional abilities you can use to further improve your Ultimate Weapons and their base abilities.
Ultimate Weapon Plus abilities can only be unlocked when all 9 Ultimate Weapons are unlocked. Unlike buying Ultimate Weapons, you can buy Ultimate Weapon Plus abilities in any order you want. Each time you buy an ability, the cost for the next ability will increase. The level of the ability once unlocked will be level 0.
Unlock | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Cost | 500 | 625 | 750 | 975 | 1250 | 1650 | 2200 | 2900 | 3800 |
Ultimate Weapon Plus Upgrades[edit | edit source]
Abilities can be upgraded 10 times. The level of the ability once unlocked will be level 0. The cost of upgrades currently follow 1 of 3 price trees.
300 Base Scaling
Total Cost: 10,000 |
Unlock | 300 | 375 | 475 | 600 | 725 | 925 | 1150 | 1450 | 1800 | 2200 |
![]() Smite a random enemy on screen for the current wave HP every x seconds |
30 | 28 | 26 | 24 | 22 | 20 | 18 | 16 | 14 | 12 | 10 |
![]() Launch an additional Smart Missile every x seconds. |
13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
![]() Every time PS damage ticks, it is increased by x% of its base damage. |
50% | 120% | 190% | 260% | 330% | 400% | 470% | 540% | 610% | 680% | 750% |
300 Base Scaling
Total Cost: 7,970 |
Unlock | 300 | 360 | 430 | 510 | 620 | 750 | 900 | 1100 | 1350 | 1650 |
![]() After Golden Tower finishes, gain extra cash and coins of x% per enemy killed. |
0.03% | 0.06% | 0.09% | 0.12% | 0.15% | 0.18% | 0.21% | 0.24% | 0.27% | 0.30% | 0.33% |
![]() The damage of Inner Land Mines increases X times per second as long as they are alive. |
0.50 | 1.51 | 2.57 | 3.76 | 5.18 | 6.92 | 9.09 | 11.80 | 15.19 | 19.37 | 24.47 |
400 Base Scaling
Total Cost: 9,750 |
Unlock | 400 | 500 | 610 | 730 | 860 | 1000 | 1150 | 1300 | 1500 | 1700 |
![]() Each Effect Wave hit amplifies the Death Wave damage store by x (additively). |
3 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 13 | 18 | 24 | 30 | 37 | 44 | 53 |
![]() Each Black Hole destroys the first x enemies that enter it instantly (excluding bosses). |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
![]() A loop at the inside of your tower range slows enemies while inside by an additional x% |
10% | 15% | 20% | 25% | 30% | 35% | 40% | 45% | 50% | 55% | 60% |
![]() The tower can target enemies in spotlight up to x% further than your range. |
15% | 21% | 27% | 33% | 39% | 45% | 51% | 57% | 63% | 69% | 75% |
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