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From The Tower - Idle Tower Defense Wiki and Guides

Perks are in the run upgrades that provide passive benefits, helping you progress through waves and improve tower performance.

Perks are initially unlocked in Lab.pnglabs. To access them you will need to unlock and complete the Unlock Perks lab at Tier 2 Wave 150 Milestone.

Visit Perks Guide for the detailed builds information and perk priority.

Use[edit | edit source]

Perks are extremely useful for farming with high wave count rounds. Their bonuses can accumulate and stack up and can significantly boost Coin.pngCoins farming rate or allow you to push for the higher waves.

Usually, you would like to go for specific perks that will help with farming and avoid perks that are useless.

Recommended Perks[edit | edit source]

Every player will have their own list of favorite perks, but in the early game most people would like to focus on specific perks during their runs and avoid the bad ones that either waste perk spot or even harm your run.

This list should help with the most farming runs. It's created with a eHP Blender build in mind, hence the Def and HP perks.

Good Perks. Those perks will benefit the run and will allow to get further or farm more coins:

  1. Perk Wave Requirement - allow to get more perks.
  2. All Coin Bonuses - Allows to get more Coin.pngCoins.
  3. Defense Percent - higher Defense Percent will allow to survive more waves.
  4. Increase Game Speed - Faster game speed, means more Coins / minute.
  5. Golden Tower Bonus - More Coins from Golden Tower.pngGolden Tower activation. Becomes even better if GT is Synced with BH and DW that gives even better multipliers
  6. Max Health - more health means more eHP, means longer survival.
  7. x1.80 coins, but Tower Max Health -70%
  8. Enemies Damage -50%, but Tower Damage -50%
  9. x1.50 Tower Damage, but Bosses Have 8x Health
  10. Free Upgrade Chance for All - Not an amazing Perk, but still can help with free upgrades

Bad Perks. those Perks are either completely useless or harmful to the tower:

  1. Interest - takes 5 Perk Picks for a useless bonus
  2. Defense Absolute - takes 5 Perk Picks for a useless bonus
  3. Health Regen - takes 5 Perk Picks for a useless bonus
  4. Lifesteal x2.50, But Knockback force -70% - Knockback allows to push enemies into orbs and avoid damage.
  5. Ranged Enemies Attack Distance Reduced, But Tower Ranged Enemies Damage x3 - Making ranged enemies stronger is always a bad idea.
  6. Enemies Speed -40%, But Enemies Damage x2.5 - extra damage is always bad for eHP
  7. x12.00 Cash Per Wave, But Enemy Kill Don't Give Cash - Cash per Wave isn't comparable with Enemy Kills Cash
  8. Tower Health Regen x8.00, But Tower Max Max Health -60% - Health Regen is pretty useless.

Rest of the perks are considered to be more or less neutral, but you should maximize chances of getting good and useful perks during the run.

Perk Choice[edit | edit source]

Initially you can select from 2 perks generated at random. Perk choices can be increased to a max of 4 choices through the "Perk Option Quantity" lab.

The "First Perk Choice" lab will allow your selection to be guaranteed to appear on the first set of choices as the top choice.

When using the Auto Pick Perk, it will always select the top choice on the list, this will always pick your first perk choice.

Waves Required[edit | edit source]

Perks are earned starting at wave 200. After selecting 20 perks, waves required is increased to 250, 300 waves required after 30 perks, and 350 waves required after 40 perks selected.

The base can be reduced by upgrading "Waves Required" lab and by selecting the "Perk Wave Requirement" perk. Use the below formula to find the waves required.

Waves Required* = (Base Waves Required - Waves Required lab) * (1 - (Perk Wave Required Perk * (1 + Standard Perk Bonus / 100)))

*The formula should only be used to find the 1st perk for each base waves. If you get a decimal, you need to round the answer down. The rounded answer can be multiplied by number of perks.

EX: SPB of 8% and 3 PWR for PWR Perk for PWR 64.8%. 200 * (1 - 0.648) = 70.4 = 70 waves required.

Standard Perk Math[edit | edit source]

Most standard perks can be selected more than once in a round. The game has 2 formulas for multiplicative and additive perks.

For additive perks (Def %, Perks Wave Required):

Total Bonus = Base Value x Quantity x (1 + Standard Perk Bonus)

For multiplicative perks (Coin Bonus, Health, Damage):

Total Bonus = (1 + Base Value x Quantity) x (1 + Standard Perk Bonus)

List of Perks[edit | edit source]

These are all the available perks:

Standard Perks[edit | edit source]

Perk Quantity
x1.20 Max Health 5
x1.15 Damage 5
x1.15 All Coin Bonuses 5
x1.15 Defense Absolute 5
x1.15 Cash Bonus 5
x1.75 Health Regen 5
Interest x1.50 5
Land Mine Damage x3.50 5
Free Upgrade Chance for All +5.0% 5
Defense Percent +4.00 5
Bounce Shot +2 3
Perk Wave Requirement -20.00% 3
Orbs +1 2
Unlock a Random Ultimate Weapon 1
Increase Max Game Speed by +1.00 1
  • Bounce shot perk is not available if bounce shot has not been unlocked.
  • Standard perk bonuses can be increased using the Standard Perk Bonus lab.
  • When standard perk bonus is max, the Game Speed perk will be increased to 1.25 making the max game speed 6.25. It will display at 6.2

Ultimate Weapon Perks[edit | edit source]

Perk Quantity
4 More Smart Missiles 1
Swamp Radius x1.5 1
+1 Wave on Death Wave 1
Extra Set of Inner Mines 1
Golden Tower Bonus x1.5 1
Chain Lightning Damage x2 1
Chrono Field Duration +5s 1
Blackhole Duration +12.0s 1
Spotlight Damage Bonus x1.5 1
  • Ultimate weapon perks will only be shown when the affected Ultimate Weapons.pngUltimate Weapon is unlocked
  • If the ultimate weapon is unlocked from the "Unlock a random ultimate weapon" perk, the Ultimate Weapon perk will become available for that run.

Trade-off Perks[edit | edit source]

Perk Quantity
x1.50 Tower Damage, but Bosses Have 8x Health 1
x1.80 coins, but Tower Max Health -70% 1
Enemies Have -50% Health, but

Tower Health Regen and Lifesteal -90%

Enemies Damage -50%, but Tower Damage -50% 1
Ranged Enemies Attack Distance Reduced, But

Tower Ranged Enemies Damage x3

Enemies Speed -40%, But Enemies Damage x2.5 1
x12.00 Cash Per Wave, But Enemy Kill Don't Give Cash 1
Tower Health Regen x8.00, But Tower Max Max Health -60% 1
Boss Health -70%, But Boss Speed +50% 1
Lifesteal x2.50, But Knockback force -70% 1
  • The benefit for trade-off perks can be increased by upgrading the "Improve Trade-off Perks" lab. The lab does not effect the ranged enemy distance perk.

Labs[edit | edit source]

Perk labs allow access to perks as well as improvements to perks during a run.

Unlock Perks[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks at Tier x Wave x Milestone. Unlocks perks to be accessed in rounds. Has 1 level. Unlocks other perk labs after completion.

Level Time Cost Value
1 3d 11h 19m                    1,500,000 Unlocked

Waves Required[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks after finishing Unlock Perks. Reduces the base waves required to unlock the next perk. (See Perks waves required calculation). Has 100 levels.

Level Time Cost Value
1 0d  1h 39m                       100,000 -1.00
2 0d  5h  1m                       220,000 -2.00
3 0d  8h 33m                       940,000 -3.00
4 0d 12h 34m                    5,260,000 -4.00
5 0d 17h 29m                  20,980,000 -5.00
6 0d 23h 46m                  63,100,000 -6.00
7 1d  7h 57m                156,220,000 -7.00
8 1d 18h 38m                336,940,000 -8.00
9 2d  8h 29m                656,260,000 -9.00
10 3d  2h 11m            1,180,000,000 -10.00
11 4d  0h 29m            2,000,000,000 -11.00
12 5d  4h 10m            3,220,000,000 -12.00
13 6d 14h  3m            4,980,000,000 -13.00
14 8d  7h  1m            7,430,000,000 -14.00
15 10d  7h 58m          10,760,000,000 -15.00
16 12d 17h 49m          15,190,000,000 -16.00
17 15d 13h 34m          20,970,000,000 -17.00
18 18d 20h 12m          28,400,000,000 -18.00
19 22d 14h 46m          37,790,000,000 -19.00
20 26d 22h 20m          49,520,000,000 -20.00
21 31d 19h 59m          64,000,000,000 -21.00
22 37d  8h 53m          81,680,000,000 -22.00
23 43d 14h  7m        103,070,000,000 -23.00
24 50d 12h 56m        128,370,000,000 -24.00
25 58d  6h 30m        159,250,000,000 -25.00
26 66d 20h  5m        195,320,000,000 -26.00
27 76d  6h 57m        237,630,000,000 -27.00
28 86d 16h 21m        286,980,000,000 -28.00
29 98d  1h 38m        344,210,000,000 -29.00
30 110d 12h  8m        410,230,000,000 -30.00
31 124d  1h 12m        486,000,000,000 -31.00
32 138d 18h 14m        572,590,000,000 -32.00
33 154d 16h 37m        671,090,000,000 -33.00
34 171d 21h 49m        782,710,000,000 -34.00
35 190d 11h 16m        908,710,000,000 -35.00
36 210d 10h 27m     1,050,000,000,000 -36.00
37 231d 20h 51m     1,210,000,000,000 -37.00
38 254d 20h  1m     1,390,000,000,000 -38.00
39 279d  9h 29m     1,580,000,000,000 -39.00
40 305d 14h 48m     1,800,000,000,000 -40.00
41 333d 13h 33m     2,050,000,000,000 -41.00
42 363d  7h 21m     2,320,000,000,000 -42.00
43 394d 21h 49m     2,610,000,000,000 -43.00
44 428d 10h 35m     2,940,000,000,000 -44.00
45 463d 23h 21m     3,300,000,000,000 -45.00
46 501d 13h 45m     3,690,000,000,000 -46.00
47 541d  7h 32m     4,120,000,000,000 -47.00
48 583d  6h 23m     4,590,000,000,000 -48.00
49 627d 12h  4m     5,100,000,000,000 -49.00
50 674d  2h 20m     5,650,000,000,000 -50.00
51 723d  2h 57m     6,250,000,000,000 -51.00
52 774d 15h 43m     6,900,000,000,000 -52.00
53 828d 18h 28m     7,600,000,000,000 -53.00
54 885d 13h  1m     8,360,000,000,000 -54.00
55 945d  1h 12m     9,180,000,000,000 -55.00
56 1007d  8h 54m   10,070,000,000,000 -56.00
57 1072d 14h  1m   11,010,000,000,000 -57.00
58 1140d 18h 25m   12,030,000,000,000 -58.00
59 1212d  0h  3m   13,130,000,000,000 -59.00
60 1286d  8h 50m   14,300,000,000,000 -60.00
61 1363d 22h 43m   15,550,000,000,000 -61.00
62 1444d 19h 41m   16,890,000,000,000 -62.00
63 1529d  1h 42m   18,320,000,000,000 -63.00
64 1616d 18h 47m   19,850,000,000,000 -64.00
65 1708d  0h 57m   21,470,000,000,000 -65.00
66 1802d 22h 13m   23,210,000,000,000 -66.00
67 1901d 12h 39m   25,050,000,000,000 -67.00
68 2003d 22h  0m   27,000,000,000,000 -68.00
69 2110d  5h 18m   29,080,000,000,000 -69.00
70 2220d 11h 40m   31,280,000,000,000 -70.00
71 2334d 19h 34m   33,610,000,000,000 -71.00
72 2453d  7h  6m   36,080,000,000,000 -72.00
73 2576d  0h 26m   38,700,000,000,000 -73.00
74 2703d  1h 43m   41,460,000,000,000 -74.00
75 2834d 13h  6m   44,380,000,000,000 -75.00
76 2970d 12h  0m   47,460,000,000,000 -76.00
77 3111d  3h  1m   50,710,000,000,000 -77.00
78 3256d  9h 57m   54,140,000,000,000 -78.00
79 3406d 11h 51m   57,740,000,000,000 -79.00
80 3561d 10h 57m   61,540,000,000,000 -80.00
81 3721d  9h 31m   65,540,000,000,000 -81.00
82 3886d  9h 50m   69,740,000,000,000 -82.00
83 4056d 14h 11m   74,150,000,000,000 -83.00
84 4232d  0h 52m   78,780,000,000,000 -84.00
85 4412d 20h 12m   83,640,000,000,000 -85.00
86 4640d 18h 31m   88,740,000,000,000 -86.00
87 4790d 20h  0m   94,090,000,000,000 -87.00
88 4922d  9h 31m   99,680,000,000,000 -88.00
89 5191d 14h 55m   105,550,000,000,000 -89.00
90 5400d 16h  0m   111,680,000,000,000 -90.00
91 5615d 17h 30m   118,100,000,000,000 -91.00
92 5836d 19h 30m   124,810,000,000,000 -92.00
93 6064d  1h 11m   131,820,000,000,000 -93.00
94 6297d 13h  0m   139,140,000,000,000 -94.00
95 6537d  9h 25m   146,780,000,000,000 -95.00
96 6783d 16h 55m   154,760,000,000,000 -96.00
97 7036d 13h 55m   163,070,000,000,000 -97.00
98 7296d  2h 59m   171,750,000,000,000 -98.00
99 7562d 10h 32m   180,780,000,000,000 -99.00
100 7835d 15h 13m   190,200,000,000,000 -100.00

Standard Perk Bonus[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks after finishing Unlock Perks. A multiplier to increase the strength of standard perks. See Perks for standard perk calculations. Standard perk bonus is calculated 2 different ways for additive and multiplicative perks:
Multiplicative: (1 + perk base × quantity) × (1 + standard perk bonus)
Additive: Perk Base × quantity × (1 + standard perk bonus)

Level Time Cost Value
1 0d  1h 39m                         100,000 1%
2 0d  5h 34m                         280,000 2%
3 0d  9h 39m                      1,360,000 3%
4 0d 14h 14m                      7,840,000 4%
5 0d 19h 42m                    31,420,000 5%
6 1d  2h 32m                    94,600,000 6%
7 1d 11h 17m                  234,280,000 7%
8 1d 22h 32m                  505,360,000 8%
9 2d 12h 56m                  984,340,000 9%
10 3d  7h 11m              1,770,000,000 10%
11 4d  6h  2m              3,000,000,000 11%
12 5d 10h 16m              4,830,000,000 12%
13 6d 20h 43m              7,470,000,000 13%
14 8d 14h 14m            11,140,000,000 14%
15 10d 15h 44m            16,140,000,000 15%
16 13d  2h  9m            22,780,000,000 16%
17 15d 22h 27m            31,460,000,000 17%
18 19d  5h 39m            42,600,000,000 18%
19 23d  0h 46m            56,690,000,000 19%
20 27d  8h 53m            74,290,000,000 20%
21 32d  7h  6m            96,000,000,000 21%
22 37d 20h 32m          122,530,000,000 22%
23 44d  2h 20m          154,610,000,000 23%
24 51d  1h 42m          193,090,000,000 24%
25 58d 19h 50m          238,880,000,000 25%

First Perk Choice[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks at Tier 2 Wave 250 Milestone and after Unlock Perk completed. Allows players to select a standard perk as a guaranteed choice when selecting the first perk of the round. Can only be selected outside of a round on the home screen in the top right corner. Has 1 level.

Level Time Cost Value
1 4d 15h  6m            1,000,000,000 Unlocked

Improve Trade-Off Perks[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks at Tier 2 Wave 400 Milestone and after Unlock Perk completed. A multiplier improving the benefit of the trade-off perk (doesn't improve ranged enemy trade-off). Has 10 levels.

Level Time Cost Value
1 1d  0h 59m                  600,000,000 1%
2 1d 14h 54m                  700,030,000 2%
3 2d  5h  0m                  801,180,000 3%
4 2d 19h 40m                  910,140,000 4%
5 3d 11h 24m              1,050,000,000 5%
6 4d  4h 49m              1,250,000,000 6%
7 5d  0h 38m              1,600,000,000 7%
8 5d 23h 39m              2,200,000,000 8%
9 7d  2h 46m              3,230,000,000 9%
10 8d 10h 58m              4,920,000,000 10%

Auto Pick Perks[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks at Tier 4 Wave 50 Milestone and after Unlock Perk is completed. A toggleable ability that will select the first perk available when perks are available. Auto Pick Perks is toggled during a run by clicking the perk bar at the top of the screen. Has 1 level.

Level Time Cost Value
1 4d 23h 26m                100,000,000 Unlocked

Perk Option Quantity[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks at Tier 4 Wave 80 Milestone and after Unlock Perk completed. Increases the number of options when selecting perks by +1 and +2 depending on the lab level. Has 2 levels.

Level Time Cost Value
1 4d 23h 26m                  200,000,000 +1
2 10d  4h 26m              2,000,000,000 +2

Ban Perks[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks at Tier 5 Wave 40 Milestone and after Unlock Perk completed. Allows perks to be banned from appearing as a choice during a round. Perks can be banned from the home screen when you are not in a run. Has 8 levels.

Level Time Cost Value
1 2d 7h 33m 10.00M 1
2 4d 15h 6m 100.00M 2
3 9d 6h 13m 1.00B 3
4 20d 19h 59m 15.00B 4
5 41d 16h 0m 15m 100.00B 5
6 83d 8h 0m 1.00T 6
7 166d 15h 59m 100.00T 7
8 333d 8h 0m 1.00q 8

Auto Pick Ranking[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Perk Research Unlocks at Tier 5 Wave 10 Milestone and after Auto Pick Perks is completed. Allows players to prioritize which perks Auto Pick Perks will select from the list of available perks. Each lab level allows prioritization of an additional perk. Has 32 levels.

Auto Pick Ranking supersedes First Perk Choice. Ex: if first choice is perk waves required but the Golden Tower perk is ranked above it and both are available as first perk, Golden Tower will be taken instead.

Level Time Cost Value
1 1d 23h 46m 100.00K 1
2 2d 5h 21m 180.00K 2
3 2d 11h 18m 878.82K 3
4 2d 18h 27m 4.46M 4
5 3d 4h 11m 15.66M 5
6 3d 18h 20m 42.28M 6
7 4d 15h 12m 95.64M 7
8 5d 21h 34m 191.02M 8
9 7d 16h 38m 348.06M 9
10 10d 4h 4m 591.04M 10
11 13d 11h 58m 949.28M 11
12 17d 20h 52m 1.46B 12
13 23d 11h 42m 2.16B 13
14 30d 13h 52m 3.09B 14
15 39d 9h 8m 4.31B 15
16 50d 3h 44m 5.88B 16
17 63d 4h 18m 7.87B 17
18 78d 17h 50m 10.33B 18
19 97d 3h 49m 13.36B 19
20 118d 18h 3m 17.04B 20
21 143d 20h 49m 21.47B 21
22 172d 20h 45m 26.74B 22
23 206d 2h 53m 32.96B 23
24 244d 42m 18s 40.26B 24
25 287d 19s 48.76B 25
26 335d 11h 1m 58.60B 26
27 1y 24d 20h 69.91B 27
28 1y 85d 15h 82.84B 28
29 1y 153d 6h 97.58B 29
30 1y 228d 6h 114.27B 30
31 1y 311d 3h 133.10B 31
32 2y 37d 9h 154.26B 32
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