The Tower - Idle Tower Defense Wiki and Guides
Build Your Perfect Tower of Defense

Chain Lightning

From The Tower - Idle Tower Defense Wiki and Guides
Chain Lightning UW Icon
Chain Lightning Ultimate Weapon

Chain Lightning is an Ultimate Weapons.pngUltimate Weapon. Percent chance on enemy hit to spawn a number chain lightnings, dealing a percent of tower damage (accounts for crit/super crit factor and chance).

Use tips[edit | edit source]

Chain Lightning is an offensive Ultimate Weapon and can help with the damage increase.

Its Shock ability will increase the enemy damage taken and can be upgraded in the lab all the way to 17.5% Chance and 1.66 multiplier.

Chain Thunder ability will lower the enemy Damage making them weaker that will help with survivability. It can be upgraded to be more effective and caps at 90% damage reduction for the enemies.

Lightning Amplifier-Scatter is useful against Scatter Enemies and can help to fight them off if they pose significant threat to your Tower.

Workshop[edit | edit source]

Basic Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Chain Lightning Basic Workshop Upgrades are located in the Ultimate Weapon menu after unlocking the Ultimate Weapon. Unlocking Chain Lightning allows the player to upgrade Damage, Quantity and Chance using stones.

Costs[edit | edit source]

Damage has 31 levels, Quantity has 4 levels and Chance has 15 levels. The total stones to max is 18,375.

Damage Stones


Quantity Stones


Chance Stones


2x 0 1# 0 5.0% 0
3x 5 2# 30 6.5% 8
5x 11 3# 75 8.0% 26
9x 17 4# 150 9.5% 44
14x 23 5# 400 11.0% 62
22x 29 12.5% 80
32x 35 14.0% 98
46x 41 15.5% 116
63x 47 17.0% 134
85x 53 18.5% 152
113x 61 20.0% 170
148x 71 21.5% 188
191x 84 23.0% 206
244x 100 24.5% 224
309x 120 26.0% 242
387x 144 27.5% 260
482x 174
596x 210
733x 252
898x 302
1094x 362
1328x 434
1607x 525
1937x 636
2329x 767
2794x 923
3342x 1109
3390x 1295
4755x 1521
5655x 1787
6715x 2103
7961x 2469
TOTAL 15,710 655 2010

Ultimate Weapon Plus - Smite[edit | edit source]

Ultimate Weapon Plus abilities can only be unlocked once all 9 Ultimate Weapons are purchased. Every Chain Lightning has a chance equal to Chain Lightning Chance to do extra damage equal to a multiple of the current wave HP. Activates up to 100 times per enemy.

UW+ Cost Table
Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost Unlocked 300 375 475 600 725 925 1150 1450 1800 2200
Value 0.0005x 0.0010x 0.0015x 0.0020x 0.0025x 0.0030x 0.0035x 0.0040x 0.0045x 0.0050x 0.0055x

Labs[edit | edit source]

There are variety of Labs research that provides Chain Lightning additional bonuses and adds additional features to it's attacks and effects.

Chain Lightning Shock[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Ultimate Weapon Research Unlocks at Tier 7 Wave 60 Milestone. Chance to apply shock to enemies hit by chain lightning causing enemies to receive more damage. Has 1 level. Chance starts at 2.50% and the multiplier starts at x1.10. Unlocks Shock Chance and Shock Multiplier after Chain Lightning Shock level 1.

Level Time Cost Value
1 0d 23h 53m 950,000 Unlocked

Shock Chance[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Ultimate Weapon Research Unlocks after researching Chain Lightning Shock. Chance Chain Lightning will apply shock to enemies. Has 30 levels.

Level Time Cost Value
1 0d 20h  0m 250,000 3.00%
2 1d  4h 21m 560,000 3.50%
3 1d 12h 53m 1,100,000 4.00%
4 1d 21h 54m 2,800,000 4.50%
5 2d  7h 49m 7,750,000 5.00%
6 2d 19h  6m 19,540,000 5.50%
7 3d  8h 17m 43,580,000 6.00%
8 3d 23h 58m 87,410,000 6.50%
9 4d 18h 49m 160,910,000 7.00%
10 5d 17h 31m 276,620,000 7.50%
11 6d 20h 49m 449,930,000 8.00%
12 8d  5h 30m 699,340,000 8.50%
13 9d 20h 23m 1,050,000,000 9.00%
14 11d 18h 21m 1,520,000,000 9.50%
15 14d  0h 18m 2,140,000,000 10.00%
16 16d 15h  9m 2,950,000,000 10.50%
17 19d 15h 54m 3,980,000,000 11.00%
18 23d  3h 32m 5,270,000,000 11.50%
19 27d  3h  6m 6,880,000,000 12.00%
20 31d 15h 40m 8,840,000,000 12.50%
21 36d 18h 19m 11,220,000,000 13.00%
22 42d 12h 12m 14,080,000,000 13.50%
23 48d 22h 27m 17,480,000,000 14.00%
24 56d  2h 16m 21,490,000,000 14.50%
25 64d  0h 50m 26,190,000,000 15.00%
26 72d 19h 25m 31,660,000,000 15.50%
27 82d 11h 17m 37,990,000,000 16.00%
28 93d  1h 41m 45,280,000,000 16.50%
29 104d 15h 58m 53,620,000,000 17.00%
30 117d  7h 28m 63,130,000,000 17.50%

Shock Multiplier[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Ultimate Weapon Research Unlocks after researching Chain Lightning Shock. The extra damage enemies affected by shock receive. Has 14 levels

Level Time Cost Value
1 0d 20h  0m 250,000 1.14
2 1d  4h 21m 560,000 1.18
3 1d 12h 53m 1,100,000 1.22
4 1d 21h 54m 2,800,000 1.26
5 2d  7h 49m 7,750,000 1.30
6 2d 19h  6m 19,540,000 1.34
7 3d  8h 17m 43,580,000 1.38
8 3d 23h 58m 87,410,000 1.42
9 4d 18h 49m 160,910,000 1.46
10 5d 17h 31m 276,620,000 1.50
11 6d 20h 49m 449,930,000 1.54
12 8d  5h 30m 699,340,000 1.58
13 9d 20h 23m 1,050,000,000 1.62
14 11d 18h 21m 1,520,000,000 1.66

Chain Thunder[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Ultimate Weapon Research Unlocks at tier 16 wave 60 Milestone. Enemy Damage reduced by 10% for every 1% of health an enemy lost from Chain Lightning Damage up to a max percent. Has 30 levels increasing max reduction by 3% per level for a max reduction of 90%.

level Time Cost Value
1 8d  7h  59m 100.00B 3%
2 9d  8h  0m 150.00B 6%
3 10d  10h  52m 225.00B 9%
4 11d  16h  59m 337.50B 12%
5 13d  2h  42m 506.25B 15%
6 14d  16h  28m 759.38B 18%
7 16d  10h  45m 1.14T 21%
8 18d  10h  8m 1.71T 24%
9 20d  15h  11m 2.56T 27%
10 23d  2h  36m 3.84T 30%
11 25d  21h  10m 5.77T 33%
12 28d  23h  42m 8.65T 36%
13 32d  11h  11m 12.97T 39%
14 36d  8h  41m 19.46T 42%
15 40d  17h  25m 29.19T 45%
16 45d  14h  42m 43.79T 48%
17 51d  2h  4m 65.68T 51%
18 57d  5h  12m 98.53T 54%
19 64d  1h  59m 147.79T 57%
20 71d  18h  33m 221.68T 60%
21 80d  9h  15m 332.53T 63%
22 90d  46m  11s 498.79T 66%
23 100d  20h  3m 748.18T 69%
24 112d  22h  28m 1.12q 72%
25 126d  11h  43m 1.68q 75%
26 141d  16h  0m 2.53q 78%
27 158d  16h  0m 3.79q 81%
28 177d  16h  58m 5.68q 84%
29 199d  46m  25s 8.52q 87%
30 222d  21h  59m 12.78q 90%

Lightning Amplifier - Scatter[edit | edit source]

Lab.pngLab Ultimate Weapon Research Unlocks at Tier 16 Wave 60 Milestone. Increases damage chain lightning damage done to scatters by each consecutive hit as an additive bonus. This means all values will be 1+ higher than shown to add to the original 1x damage from the first hit.

level Time Cost Value
1 8d 8h 0m 100.00B x1.25
2 9d 8h 0m 150.00B x2.5
3 10d 10h 52m 225.00B x3.75
4 11d 16h 59m 337.50B x5
5 13d 2h 42m 506.25B x6.25
6 14d 16h 28m 759.38B x7.5
7 16d 10h 45m 1.14T x8.75
8 18d 10h 8m 1.71T x10
9 20d 15h 11m 2.56T x11.25
10 23d 2h 36m 3.84T x12.5
11 25d 21h 10m 5.77T x13.75
12 28d 23h 42m 8.65T x15
13 32d 11h 11m 12.97T x16.25
14 36d 8h 41m 19.46T x17.5
15 40d 17h 25m 29.19T x18.75
16 45d 14h 42m 43.79T x20
17 51d 2h 4m 65.68T x21.25
18 57d 5h 12m 98.53T x22.5
19 64d 1h 59m 147.79T x23.75
20 71d 18h 33m 221.68T x25
21 80d 9h 15m 332.53T x26.25
22 90d 46m 11s 498.79T x27.5
23 100d 20h 3m 748.18T x28.75
24 112d 22h 28m 1.12q x30
25 126d 11h 43m 1.68q x31.25
26 141d 16h 0m 2.53q x32.5
27 158d 16h 0m 3.79q x33.75
28 177d 16h 58m 5.68q x35
29 199d 46m 25s 8.52q x36.25
30 222d 21h 59m 12.78q x37.5
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